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发布日期:2024-05-22 08:14 点击次数:80
April 15, 2024
2雅想词汇领路 | | 栏目推送讲明
1. eyesore /'aɪsɔː/
n. 碍眼的东西如树立物等
e.g. That new multi-story carpark is a real eyesore.
e.g. The abandoned factory in the center of town has become an eyesore, attracting graffiti and litter.
补充:multi-story adj. 多层的
litter 垃圾
a blot on the landscape 遏制举座好意思的事物;煞征象的事物
e.g. That power station is rather a blot on the landscape.
2. balcony /'bælkənɪ/
n. 阳台
e.g. I enjoy sitting on the balcony with a cup of tea, watching the world go by below.
雅想听力17-4-1:But would you be able to do something about the balcony? It’s
quite small and I don’t use it much, but it could do with a wash every month or so.
补充:watch the world go by 看着四周的天下南来北往。
3. grubby /'grʌbɪ/
adj. 污秽的;朦拢的
剑桥听力17-4-1:I’m on the fifteenth floor, so the outside gets done regularly by specialists, but the inside does get a bit grubby.
e.g. Despite its grubby appearance, the hole-in-the-wall restaurant served delicious food.
补充:a hole-in-the-wall place 路边小吃店
4. skyscraper /'skaɪskreɪpə/
n. 摩天大楼;摩天大厦
e.g. The skyscraper towered over the surrounding buildings.
e.g. The skyline of Shanghai is characterized by a stunning array of skyscrapers, showcasing China's rapid economic growth and urbanization.
补充:tower over 比…特地许多
近义补充:high-rises / tower blocks
e.g. My apartment is in the high rise on the corner.